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 Mary gave the opening keynote address entitled "40 years on in scholarly publishing" at the 2012 ALPSP International Conference. It is a personal and in part irreverent  take on changes in this publishing sector since ALPSP was founded in 1972.

 Why does one size not fit all in journal publishing? Mary's presentation at the June 2010 Society for Scholarly Publishing meeting.

 Two articles about my report on the recent Mellon funded pilot study of eight flagship journals in Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) have now been published. The Journal of Scholarly Publishing has published the full report and a briefer review of the report is now published in Learned Publishing.

 Mary’s brief presentation at the AAP Professional and Scholarly publishing meeting on Feb 4, 2010 -  “Publishing Humanities and Social Science Journals: A pilot study of eight journals published by US Associations

 The Chronicle of Higher Education story on a report I completed for the National Humanities Alliance earlier in 2009, which looked into journal finances and business issues over three consecutive years and describes these for eight flagship journals in Humanities and Social Sciences. The final report "The Future of Scholarly Journals Publishing Among Social Science and Humanities Associations" is here.

 Presentation by Mary Waltham at the June 2007 SSP meeting in San Francisco entitled "What do society Members really want" about evidence for the changing needs of Members of professional societies and associations including recent case studies. Mary made an abbreviated version of this presentation on December 6, 2007 at the Wiley-Blackwell Executive Seminar at the National Press Club in Washington DC.

 White Paper written by Mary Waltham entitled “How is scholarly communication changing as a result of the Web?”: A report on a meeting of the ALPSP Future Watch committee at the US National Academy of Sciences.

 The presentation I made to set the scene for the recent Ingenta US Publishers Forum  in Washington DC which I chaired.

 "Learned societies and access to research outputs" a workshop at the British library in London on June 29, 2006 organized by RCUK included a presentation by Mary about how publishers are responding to the climate of Open Access.

 The text for Chapter 12 on Learned Society business models and Open Access. I contributed to the multi-authored book entitled  “Open Access: Key strategic, technical and economic aspects“ edited by Neil Jacobs and soon to be published by Chandos.

 Mary’s keynote address about “The New Publishing Landscape”  at the ALPSP International Learned Journals seminar in London on March 31, 2006.

 Out sourcing and off-shoring are major strategic concerns for scholarly publishers wishing to keep their product pricing competitive. Mary provided an overview of this landscape at the opening of an SPI sponsored seminar in Washington DC on March 21st 2006.

 Mary's summary of the National Academy of Science sponsored E-journal summit   on March 20, 2006  was a stimulating and lively meeting of key stake holders involved in international STM publishing. This was a closed meeting so there will be no full report of the proceedings.

 A report I completed in June 2005 "Learned Society Open Access Business Models" for JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee - see is now available here and from the JISC site. The report provides an in-depth exploration of 13 learned society journals, their business and pricing models, the wider context of their societies, and open access business models. The importance of disciplinary differences are confirmed  and the report clarifies that there is no ‘universal answer’ to the complex issues in funding the publication of research literature. Any transition from traditional forms of publishing to newer models will therefore take time, will need to be explored collaboratively and will need to proceed from a firm evidence base.

An overview of this JISC report was published in the January 2006 issue of Learned Publishing.

 Winner of the 2005 Johns Hopkins University Press Best Article Award (see Press Release) - In 2003 I completed a consulting assignment for BioOne and the BioOne publishers that was sponsored by SPARC. It set out to examine circulation trends and changes in costs and revenues over the previous three years for a number of BioOne publishers. A summary of this work is now published as an article: Carpenter, T., Joseph H., and Waltham M. "A Survey of Business Trends at BioOne Publishing Partners and Its Implications for BioOne". portal: Libraries and the Academy, Volume 4, Number 4 (October, 2004), pp. 465-484. Available online at Project Muse - Scholarly Journals Online.

 Publishers and Editors: Are you publishing for Readers or Authors? Mary’s presentation made at the Council for Science Editors meeting in May 2005.

 "Open Access - the impact of legislative developments” - published April 2005 is a summary of the initiatives in the US and UK legislators, stake holder responses to these and possible future developments."

 "Presentation at the joint Publishers” Association and ALPSP Journal Publishers' Forum on January 25th 2005. This is a summary of publisher responses to the variety of challenges related to Open Access which emerged in 2004 and summarizes market developments."

 "From a recent executive seminar session in Washington DC on optimizing peer review and editorial selection here are some observations and challenges to current and future peer review systems".

 “From the NAS e-journal summit meeting on July 20th, 2004, here is my presentation which is a brief outline pulling together key themes from the day and integrating them with ‘Future Trends and Best Practices’. Please contact me if you have any questions about the session.”

 Pricing Models” - Mary's talk in Washington DC on February 11, 2004.

 "Publishing strategies for building the impact and influence of a journal - Mary's talk for a seminar in New York on December 5th 2003."

 “Challenges to Publishers” - the presentation Mary made on May 16, 2003 at the STM meeting in Amsterdam.

 “In the flurry of journalist activity over the launch of the Public Library of Science - Biology journal this article from Science provides a sound overview of the area. Mary was interviewed by Science for the article."

 “UC to launch open-access journals” - An overview of the current state of play on institutional repositories published in “The Scientist” in June 2003. Mary was interviewed for this report.

 A beginner’s checklist for “Going online with your journals.”

 “Why do Publications Cost so Much?”, Mary’s presentation to the Rocky Mountain SLA, Nov. 21, 2002

 Campaign to make science reports freely available - Mary was interviewed for the Financial Times report on Scientific Publishing published in June 2002 which gives a broad overview of changes in the market over the past year or so.

 Published article - “Challenges to the Role of Publishers

 Archiving issues for scholarly publishers: As the future unfolds what about the past? Talking notes from Mary’s presentation at the SPI-sponsored seminar in Washington DC in March 2002.

 “Building and Retaining an Online Community” - here are the talking notes and Power Point slides from Mary’s presentation at the Association of American Publishers meeting on February 12th.

 About Linking gives a broad outline of the key issues publishers need to consider in building and developing a linking strategy for their publications from a talk given at the AAP meeting in 2000.

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